Hello my friends, it's been a while since I posted and I have a whole slew of items to put up, I mean the chest is literally overflowing at this point so I figured I would just start at the top and go down.
First up. Legendary Texas rap cd by Vermond Chryar AKA The Handy Man. Adventures of Handy Man was released in 1996 on a private label. Handy Man got his name because he is disabled and in a wheel chair. How gangsta. The music is pretty great actually, the his delivery is really interesting, the lyrics kind of go to some dark places sometimes too. Standard Texas G-Rap stuff with 'live' instrument bass and keyboards of course, like all good Texas G-rap. This predates crunk (thank goodness) and owes most of its style to the godfathers of this genre, UGK. In early Texas rap you either have the UGK sound or the Ghetto Boys sound, that's a mass oversimplification but it works, and this is much more the former. The cd is quite rare, and though the songs all play thru, the CD had a number of small scracthes and the case was cracked, it still fetched a cool 80 bucks but I was hoping for alot more, but I guess understandably it was not quite an archive copy. This album really never comes around though so be happy and enjoy this rare treasure. On a side not, I also found the original Street Military - Aggrivated Rasta EP from 1991 (I was flipping out when I found it) and when I got back home (I just threw it in my bag with a bunch of other rare rap cd goodies from a thrift store) I opened it up hoping it wouldnt be scratched, and WHITNEY HOUSTON is staring back at me, damn, what a rookie mistake, didnt even check, and now inside this 300 dollar legendary Houston cd with Klondike Kat and others, instead is the previous owners' sisters' lost Whitney CD. Oh well, atleast I got handy man.
Handy Man (Vermond Chryar) - Adventures of Handy Man. 1996
Plus bonus tracks from unknown hip hop at risk youth project (high school level) from Austin TX,
Tribes - Covered in Red.
Unknown 3 track cd from 1994 that has a couple hip hop tracks and a freestyle/dance track made by the students int he program, its actually really quite good for being produced by amateurs.